SURJ ROC Endorses the Black Agenda Group

“Racism is a community health crisis.” In response to the call of the Black Agenda Group to join in its declaration on the racial inequities in our health care system, and the BAG’s call to action, the Rochester chapter of SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice), endorses BAG’s position.


Research demonstrates that racism is a social determinant of health

Racial health disparities in diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and mental health are prevalent and growing

The persistent toxic stress of racism impacts health through a combination of social-emotional and physiological effects, which can lead to premature aging and death

The alarming disparity in infant mortality – African American babies in Monroe County die at 3-4 times the rate of white babies – is persistent and worsening.

The situation requires widespread and urgent response from our community’s health care providers, regulators, and funders,

SURJ ROC agrees that racism is a community health crisis. As a group working on white allyship in support of community action led by People of Color, we pledge to take action in the following ways:

share the BAG declaration and call to action

offer education to our members and the community

encourage our members to sign the pledge

encourage our members to spread the word and call to action to other organizations and workplaces in the community.

Please read and sign the Declaration on the BAG FB page, and spread the word to companies/workplaces/groups you’re involved with:…/1FAIpQLSddsHA40lVULue5wl…/viewform